Favorable for Life

>> Friday, December 24, 2010

"Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart."  -- Washington Irving

I love this quote by Washington Irving.  A great reminder this time of year of the eternal impacts that hospitality and charity can have on others all year long.  Charity isn't just actions that make us feel good and provide societal benefits to others - it's bigger than that.  A flame of charity in our heart honors God.

I love the use of the word "genial" describing the 'flame of charity'.  The word is often accurately defined as cordial, warm and pleasantly cheerful - but the definition I love the most is "favorable for life".  Isn't that true?  Doesn't that connect this thought and imagery to the life we should live - not just during the Christmas season but at all times?

My desire this season and for my life ahead is to display a flame of charity in my heart.  May it be said that my life is one of hospitality and my heart a flame of charity that is "favorable for life".

Merry Christmas!


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